
Grand Opening October 22nd 2024!

Bigfoot Jiujitsu will be holding a grand opening at our new location 11873 Springs Road #100 Conifer Colorado (Next to Snowpack Taproom) on October 22nd 2024! Bigfoot will be making an appearance and we will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone in attendance. During the grand opening, we will offer 2 free introductory classes for those who would like to participate. 
5-6 pm - Kids introductory class
6-7 pm - Adult introductory class
7-8 pm - Open mat (Must have jiujitsu, wrestling, or some level of grappling experience to participate in open mat)
Participants must sign our online waiver before participating, which you can sign online now to get ahead of the crowd. Bigfoot Jiu-Jitsu Waiver

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